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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Work Cared For By An Emergency Scribe

By Hassie J. Jewess

An ED scribe, or an emergency department scribe, is a highly trained medical scribe who works with physicians attending emergency room patients. When an emergency scribe is assigned to a doctor they are expected to fill out and complete all the paperwork for that physician's patients. Doctors are often overworked in emergency rooms where more patients are constantly arriving and a variety of different cases cause stress for physicians. Even if a doctor would like to take the time to speak at length with their patients and ensure that all of their treatments have been chosen properly, the reality of many hospitals is that there is not enough time for such high quality care.

Emergency scribe professionals fix that for doctors by handling almost all of their medical documentation for them and thus freeing up their time. The doctor can give 100% of their attention to their patient and their individual needs instead of doing paperwork and filling in forms thanks to the support of an emergency doctor scribe that handles those tasks for them. This is a highly beneficial service to doctors who need to make very second count as they work their way through a long list of ER patients.

A massive amount of time would be saved if doctors in busy emergency rooms were able to give their documentation tasks to an ER scribe and just concentrate on patient care. Lots of individuals who work in hospitals have noticed that doctors spend a considerable amount of time away from patients filling out the required forms. Giving doctors a chance to concentrate on their primary objective, caring for patients, makes them more efficient and better able to offer the highest quality care to everyone in the ER.

Some staffing committees in hospitals have chosen not to hire emergency doctor scribe workers because they fear going over budget because of it. This is not necessarily the case, however, because several documented cases of hospitals that have hired scribes have shown that doctors become more efficient and thus save time and money in the ER with scribe ER assistance.

Working as en ED scribe can grant you a special and up-close perspective of the medical world if you want to enter this excellent career field. You will get to know ways to deal with hectic situations and will see the rewards of working in this field as an ER scribe.

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