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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Proper Website Design For Businesses

By Sybil Bonchack

Nowadays, people have full access to the internet and can therefore access a lot of information from all over the world. Because of this, marketers have utilized the web in order to make their presence felt among the public consumers. That is why if one would really want to gain a lot of support from the public, then he must have a very good website design.

The main goal of designers is to make the site look attractive, professional, and easy yo use. If the website looks like it has been done by an amateur, then the company who made it will lose credibility. The usual criteria of websites are its design, its functionality, its user friendliness, and its content.

Now when a viewer looks at the company site, he is already scrutinizing it and making a first impression in his mind. If the company would want the viewer to like the site at first glance, then the colors should be very nice to the eyes. The technique here is that there should be only two or three main colors should be used.

In the world of digital marketing, customers will also focus on the user friendliness of the site as well as looks. Yes the site should be very appealing to the yes but it should also be designed in a way where the viewers are able to navigate and browse around the area very easily. The logic behind this is that if the viewer can access the information he wants easily, then he will feel connected to the site and come back whenever he would want.

Now it is a known fact that having good content will bring in the customers and thus bring in the sales. To a certain extent this is very true, but it is also true that the arrangement of the content is important too. It is human nature to shut off anything that is not arranged properly and if the words of the site are not properly placed, potential customers will stay away.

As stated above, the arrangement of the wording is very important because no one will want to look at a bunch of words that are not properly put together. So it is important to always avoid wordiness and add a few pictures to spark interest in the potential customer. The key here is to make the content informative but at the same time brief and concise.

Choosing the right font is also a very crucial point that is usually taken lightly. Most amateur designers make heavy use of unorthodox and fancy fonts which actually do look good but do not look professional. For the long articles and such, it is always better to use block letters so that people can understand the words easily. Sometimes, it is good to use fancy fonts but usually fore titles and headers only.

So basically, these are some things to think of when creating a good website design. The main reason one would want to have a nice site is so that customers will view the company as legit. If the site is proper and tidy as well as attractive, then people will definitely have a positive view on the company.

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