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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Game Console Repair When You Need It

By Vicki Diaz

There are two main systems on the market today. The Playstation 3 and the Xbox 360. Both of these systems, even though they are so-called next generation systems, both of them have issues with their heating and power source that will cause them to fail. When this happens you will need a game console repair service to help fix your system.

If you go back to the manufacturer, say Sony or Microsoft, you will be charged a lot more money than you should need to pay. Regardless of what you paid for your system in the first place you will still need to shell out some more cash. It is not fair, but it is what will happen if you do not fix it yourself or find someone cheaper.

The problems with the popular systems today are usually caused by heat. Most of the time the heat becomes too much for the system to take and connections on the motherboard heat up and become disconnected. When this happens the best way to fix it is to take the system apart and reconnect those contacts.

It is not always the easiest thing to do, but it is a possible solution. You will need to go to a local electronics store and purchase some thermal paste and make sure that you have a powerful heat gun. You will need to use both together in order to reconnect the severed connections. You will also need a lot of patience.

First you will will have to start taking it apart. Make sure that you know where the parts go and where the screws you take out go. If you forget where they go you might have a problem later when you try to put it all back again. Getting everything right will take some time and you will have to be careful.

Though it really does not take much in the first place, they might just be scared to break it more. A steady hand and a couple tools is all that they will need. One thing they should do is to make sure they can follow instructions first however because it can be a dangerous proposition considering if they do not follow the instructions they can make matters worse.

They will need to get some small screw drivers and a powerful heat gun. They will also need a clean work area and some place to keep everything that is taken out in order. Everything must be put back in the right order and the right places. Otherwise it may not work again.

Game console repair is doable and all it takes is a little perseverance. All they need is to do a little research and they would see just what needs to be done and then they would have their gaming system back good as new. They are easy to fix if you follow directions and pay attention. Just be careful.

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