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Friday, March 15, 2013

Wifi syncing is a pain to make The iOS does not "just work"

The iOS does not "just work"
 Wifi syncing is a pain to make it work, for instance. There are several other problems, including the fact that it´s very difficult to control space on the memory.

It pains me to admit, but Android is evolving faster than iOS these days..."

Android malware, viruses and Trojans sure are evolving faster -- that's for sure.

The FBI-warning to be wary of Android is unprecedented. And Google's reputation for privacy intrusions remains unmatched, further compromising Android. Meanwhile, Apple is innovating behind the scenes, to build an unmatched hardware and software ecosystem and infrastructure so that all the company's devices, from iPods, iPhones and tablets to Macs and televisions, seamlessly work together.

Unlike the various Android manufacturers, Apple does not just build stand-alone, oversized handsets with plastic cases or offer rushed updates that only are ever installed on a few models. The fact is that Google has to rush software updates, because Android has been so far behind in it's copying of iOS. But we'll soon see new Apple devices with new technologies as well -- like new security, electronic payment and WiFi standards, support from more, new data centers and software updates that change incrementally, which is what most of us actually prefer, simply because it results in tools that are satisfyingly familiar, as well as reliable.

Most Apple customers are not going to abandon the platform and all the great software Apps simply because Android leapfrogs iOS with a new feature here and there. Only geeks do that. Ordinary people want quality hardware with great software that just works reliably and with security. It seems to me describes the iPhone, not cheap Android handsets. And some of us are not going to patronize foreign companies that use stolen designs and concepts.

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